- The entire contents of this sample pack whether in physical form or as an electronic download are licensed, not sold to you by F9 Audio Ltd.. Ownership of the material, audio and inherent copyright remains with F9 Audio Ltd.
- This ( non-exclusive ) license is granted for a single-user only on a global basis for the full copyright protection period. The license is non-transferable. For volume licensing please contact F9 Audio.
- The licensee MAY modify the sounds and MAY use the material for commercial purposes as part of a musical composition with other sounds. To clarify a musical composition may also include synchronised film and video scores , multimedia productions and music or sound design created for the gaming industry. The Licensee MAY NOT use this product in the creation of so called Library Music
- The Licensee MAY NOT use the sounds in isolation as sound effects or as loops (i.e. a sequence of musical events) in any technology or computer based application or for any competitive products that are sold or relicensed to multiple third parties
- Copying, duplication, lending or re-selling of this product, its contents in whole or in part whether processed or as per the original are strictly prohibited under this licence. Using this material to create other samples or data for competing soundware products is also strictly prohibited
- The Licensee MAY NOT electronically transfer the sound samples or place them in a file-sharing network, Cloud computing service, external server ( local or remote ) or allow them to be accessed across a multi user computer / audio workstation network without prior written permission from F9 Audio Ltd.
- By opening this pack it is assumed the licensee understands and accepts that multiple users of this release will have access to the same data and musical themes.
- The stem parts within the release may not be released in their original form. The licensee must create a new and unique musical work ( that satisfies applicable copyright law in which ever territory it is to be released ) from the sounds and data provided within the pack by adding additional melodies, musical themes and arrangements, combining them with other musical motifs, sounds, tracks, samples and instrumentation / orchestration.
- F9 Audio Ltd will not be held responsible in any manner for any mechanical copyright disputes, music publishing disputes or Youtube, Soundcloud and other digital or web based ID Conflicts that may arise from the user failing to abide by the terms of this licence agreement.
- F9 Audio ltd will not be held responsible in any manner for any mechanical copyright disputes, music publishing disputes or Youtube, Soundcloud and other digital or web based ID Conflicts that may arise from more than one user creating musical works containing the same sample(s) , midi, patches or other data supplied in this release.
- Although the highest quality is always our goal, neither F9 Audio Ltd, the pack’s producer or it’s featured artists can be held responsible for any direct or indirect consequential loss arising from the use of this product in whatever form.
- F9 Audio will not be responsible if the sounds do not fit the particular purpose of the end user.
- This licence agreement will terminate immediately if the licensee violates any terms of this agreement
- All rights of the producer and the owner of the work are reserved. Unauthorised duplication of this download is a violation of applicable international laws.
- All rights not expressly granted to the user are reserved by F9 Audio ltd.
© ℗ 2018 F9 Audio Ltd
Proudly Made in Brighton, UK
Visit us HERE for more information . If you have any questions, please contact us HERE
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